Monday 6 June 2016

The SDGs as a Climate Solution

Reducing extreme poverty is a complex issue that must be tackled from many different angles. The UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a good way to categorize various improvements needed to allow those with the least to live more prosperous, and less carbon-intensive lives.

The Sustainable Development Goals show the work need to be done to eliminate emissions-intensive extreme poverty. Source: Council for International Development
The interconnectivity of all these issues is demonstrated by the application of environmental policy in poverty reduction and the effect of poverty reduction on environmental goals. The SDGs already directly (SDG 13) and indirectly (SDG 7, 9, 11, 12, and 15) promote climate change mitigation and adaptation in a way that reduces poverty. This follows President Mohamed Nasheed's vision of development by encouraging growth in energy, infrastructure, and communities in a way that does not necessarily increase emissions. The economic development of the extreme poor is exciting for environmental policy. It can help reduce high survival-emissions, such as slash-and-burn agriculture or traditional open-fire cookstoves. These actions, in turn, will help meet SDGs 7, 11, 12, and 13 in return.

Reducing extreme poverty has always appealed to our humanity, and now it can satisfy our pragmatism as we attempt to alleviate global warming. Donating to your favourite extreme poverty and sustainable development charity can change our world in more ways than one.