Tuesday 3 November 2015

Solar Tiles: The Future Looks Sleek

The option to go solar is becoming more 
elegant. Source: Alistar King
In my last post, I mentioned my preference to solar roofs over white roofs. Luckily the option of going solar is becoming cuter! Clunky panels are no longer the only option, you can now get solar tiles that blend with your current shingles. However, curb appeal comes with a price tag. You'll need to balance aesthetics and economics.
Price comparison not including installation for solar tiles. The cost of installing solar tiles may not pay off in energy savings, but this chart does not take into account any difference in property value. Source: The Eco Experts


  1. It's great to see that the aesthetics of solar panels are improving - this will certainly make them more attractive to architects and designers, hopefully making them more popular in future

  2. I know my mother and great aunt love the idea of solar but hate the look of clunky solar pannels. This seems like a great solution for people who are sentimental about how their home looks. Though I'm sure architects and designers will be using them for office building to make the company look innovative.
